Saturday, January 30, 2010

I Love You Raw

I love you raw
like Golden delicious apples
salads tossed like
red cherry tomatoes in auburn summer
mixed with purple kale, baby greens and chard
grated cabbage and beets
chewy raisins and hard cashews
raw okra/artichoke/carrots/celery/asparagus/mushrooms
and ripe green cucumber
a pear for sweetness
topped with ginger, dill, oil, lemon avocado dressing
spicy like cayenne pepper
and imported like red Himalayan sea salt

I love you raw
like emotions
vulnerable on impact
a Mac Daddy truck to a Buggy
no playing chicken here
we’ll both lose

I love you raw
like sloshing sex on my moon
from you,
an unrefined baby I will birth
impure, aqui, always
inhaling yogi breaths
during conception, delivery, maturation
inhale for three/hold six/exhale 9
swirling sticky breath and scent
licking your salt
raw like DeNiro in Taxi Driver
or ragged pink meat

I love you raw
sexy, slutty, nigga and bitch
I love you like gazpacho
I love you like that

I love you raw

Monday, January 25, 2010


Tongue laps breath
behind constricted throat
rough wind blows
an unlit match
head bowed
hiding behind walls
like a cowardly soldier
pee trickling down pants’ legs
a bindhi cow rises
tramples walls of death
into burnt ashes and hamburgers
cooled ash settles
my throat, a present,
voice, my gift

Saturday, January 16, 2010


icy needles
like cats’ claws
scraping skin

impotent rage rises
to boil a raw

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Roads

Developers’ white hands
Point to the man
Controlling the bulldozer
Invoking a strangle
A tease

Brief smile brushed lips
Shiny tarred roads
Glass buildings, abodes
A bow of the head
To thank the overhead

Black tar roads
Paved for new people
Glass caught in the cracks
White and green
Color between the gaps forebodes